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Dates and Updates

Key Dates

  • October 29, 2024: Class counsel's motion for attorneys fees, reimbursement of costs, and contribution awards to class representatives must be filed.

  • November 19, 2024:  All claims must be filed by this date.

  • November 19, 2024: All requests to opt out of the case must be submitted.

  • November 19, 2024: All objections to the settlement must be submitted to class counsel and the Court by this date.

  • December 10, 2024: Fairness Hearing to consider whether the proposed Agreement is fair, reasonable, and adequate and should be finally approved.


Updated: June 27, 2024

The Court tentatively approved the settlements with Defendants Numi Financial and Central National Bank. A copy of the order can be viewed here.  However, the settlement agreements are not effective until the Court gives final approval of the agreements, which it will consider on December 10, 2024.


Updated: July 15, 2024

The claims process has begun. If you have not done so, go to this page of the website to file your claim. If you have any questions regarding the claims process, or anything else related to this lawsuit, email with your questions or comments.

Use that same email address to send notice to us if you want to attend the fairness hearing on December 10. 



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